In my video I am trying to get sadness across and some of the emotions I feel, and ask. It's just going to be pictures of my dad. And some of me and him.
I think it's about time! In so many other schools you can't move, moving gets you in trouble. I think that's 70% of the reason the kids at LMA do such a great job is because we can move. I think its a great thing. Not being able to move makes it so hard to focus, because your body cant move so you let your mind move and suddenly your have no clue whats going on in your class. But being able to move allows your body to move and your mind stay focused. I think there should be a law allowing kids to be able to move and fidget when needed. I also believe so many kids won't ditch and skip or drop out of school because they have a little more freedom. I agree with there findings! I think its a wonderful thing and every school should do it.
Edmodo is online website that ables you to have group/school discussions online. Edmodo allows the teachers to put/do the grading on the website.I believe Edmodo could help a classroom out a lot. Edmodo could help class discussions because some students don't like to voice they're opinions. Some are to shy or nervous to speak out loud, some are afraid that someone will make fun of them or they said the wrong thing. I think it can only benefit the teachers and students, because you can always go back and see what you discussed and it's a good way to be able to say what you need to. I think Edmodo will probably be used it larger schools in the future, because technology is going up and it will just be a good way for everyone to get to share what they need to.